Level 2 Home Care Package - 4 hours of help from the butler



Maggie lives in her own home. She loves it, doesn’t want to leave, but the garden is not looking like it once does.


Depending on the season, Maggie has the Butler’s team come by for a few hours hours a week to mow the lawn, collect the leaves, keep on top of the weeds and pluck her plums before the cockies get to them.

making maggie’s showers safer

Maggie loves a shower, but her balance is not quite up to her old gymnastic hand stand holding days. As part of her Care Plan, Maggie asked The Butler to source and safely instal grab rails in the shower and by her toilet, to give her a bit more security.

changing needs

Maggie has a great relationship with her care manager who is happy to receive a call from Maggie when her needs change or increase.


Frank and Donna